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Our Mission
We live in a country in which access to quality education, and the opportunity to attend a school such as Durban High School is an honour and a privilege.
Our informative years will no doubt always stir memories for us. Each one of us that attended school at 255 St Thomas Road will have carried experiences, and the privileged education we received, into our adulthood. In a modern world where the gap between the “haves” and the “have nots” has continually widened globally over the past three decades, the relevance of an exceptional state school in Africa has never been greater. Most of the school’s old boys went into a world, which post the Great War, gave more equal opportunities across the classes – and prospered. It is just as important a century later for young people with the potential to be given an opportunity to achieve their potential.
The Foundation has been instrumental in maintaining and improving the school facilities, and in establishing bursaries to enable deserving learners to attend DHS who would otherwise not have had the means to do so. As a result of these efforts, DHS maintains its preeminent position as one of the top schools in the country, based on its academic, sporting, extra mural, cultural and other accomplishments.
DHS now offers the Cambridge learning system, as well as an extension learning programme, nonpareil. This makes DHS unique amongst the other leading government schools and private schools is Kwa-Zulu Natal & South Africa.
Among the improvements made to the school by various Old Boys and the Foundation:
• the refurbishment of Blackmore House,
• a world class music centre which is Trinity Internationally accredited,
• the revamping of the Seabrooke Theatre,
• the establishment of the Victor Daitz Mathematics and Science facility,
• the upgrade of our Media Centre as well as the DHS Museum,
• the Cambridge Academy, and
• the Indoor Cricket Centre.
Future projects include:
• a hockey AstroTurf,
• an Old Boys Pavilion, and
• an extension of the Cambridge Academy.
There has probably been no time in South Africa’s history when the kind of individual that DHS produces can make a greater contribution to the country, in the fields of politics, government service, education, the professions, business, and society generally. Indeed, the very viability of democracy in South Africa may depend on it.
DHS and the Foundation need your help to achieve our mission.
Trust Commitment
DHS Foundation
The DHS Foundation Trust and its Board of Trustees welcome the support and involvement of the DHS Old Boys Community, parents, staff, and learners.
Our main purpose is to maintain and strengthen the heritage, tradition, and legacy of Durban High School and provide boys the opportunity to enhance these beliefs, by providing them with a sound education and schooling.

Chairman – DHS Old Boy
Sizwe matriculated in 1999 and was a member of Blackmore House. He was a keen sportsman who participated in Athletics, Rugby and Basketball. Sizwe represented KZN at U16 and U18 School Rugby levels.

Trustee – DHS Old Boy
Damian Judge CA (SA) (Fincom) matriculated in 2001. He was Head Boy of Blackmore House, a School Prefect, a member of the Learner Representative Council and played 1st team Waterpolo.

Trustee – DHS Old Boy
Linda is the current Chairman of the South African cricket selectors.

Trustee – DHS Old Boy
Dr Suliman holds a MBBCh degree from WITS, Diploma in Anaesthesia from the College of Medicine and a MBA cum laude from UKZN(UDW). He is in private medical practice in Durban.
The Team

Andrew Shedlock
Andrew “Shedders” Shedlock, the Director of Cricket at Durban High School, is a University of Stellenbosch sports science graduate and internationally respected coach and cricket-specific fitness and conditioning consultant, with the CV to prove it. Andrew is a DHS Old Boy (Class of 1981) and was a top international sportsman in his day, captaining the SA Schools Water Polo team and representing South Africa in Men’s Water Polo. His name can be found on the honours’ board in the Hall foyer.
In April 2019 “Shedders” came on board as the new CEO of the DHS Foundation Trust. With his experience and as an Old Boys himself, he was the perfect candidate to take over from his predecessor Louis Arde. Andrew has made incredible progress in increasing support structures through his relationships with Old Boys who are in a position to help DHS financially.

Foundation Office Manager
Liezl Basson
Liezl Basson completed her National Executive Secretarial Diploma at the Technikon Pretoria and has an open and clear communication style. She has 25 years experience in the corporate world!
Liezl started at the DHS Foundation as Office Manager in January 2020 and is looking forward to this exciting challenge and is making a difference!
She hopes to bring renewed energy to the Foundation along with her colleague and CEO of the Foundation, Andrew Shedlock where they intend to make great strides in the betterment of the foundation and support of the DHS School.